Small East Asia
Co-prosperity Restaurant 08

26 April-5 May 2008
Tokyo・Nagoya・Toyama, Japan

ARAI Shin-ichi

LEE Kwangnan(China) + ARAI Shin-ichi
"Viva Globalisation for DING Ling"(September 2007"The 8th Open Art Festival"

LEE Kwangnan read
DING Ling's essay "Thoughts on March 8, Women's Day"published in 1942
丁玲 "三八節有感”中文

[When DING Ling joined the Communists at Yanan, she landed in very hot water by writing essays criticizing Communist life, especially the exploitation of women.
In her essay, "Thoughts on March 8, Women's Day" published in 1942, she exposed the gender inequalities at MAO's guerrilla headquarter.
The leaders, she charged, "should talk less of meaningless theories and talk more of actual problems".
This struck a raw nerve.
The Party's leading figures, notably MAO, were much married, abandoning their wives easily and taking up with younger more glamorous women who had not endured the ordeals of underground life and the Long March.
Badly frightened, however, by a purge of writers who dared to look behind the propaganda curtain,
Ding Ling soon condemned Wang Shiwei, most outspoken of the Party's critics, declaring that he had sunk to the depths of a "latrine".
This saved her from the execution inflicted on Wei.
In 1952 she won the Stalin prize for her obediently loyal novel "The Sun Shines on the Sanggan River. "
Like most of her writing it has a certain political interest, but does not stand alone as literature.] Jonathan Mirsky

also see

The music:
"On Suicide"
by Hans Eisler/Bertolt Brecht
was played by A-Musik, Japanese dissident music group
"Shiranakatta (I Didn't Know)"
"I Want My Love To Rest Tonight"
was playd by ONO Yoko with Plastic Ono Band.

ARAI wrote the name of DING Ling in Chinese characters on the canvas by his head.

ARAI put MAO Tsetung portrait by Andy Wahol and the portraits of Mickey Mouse and Japanese ex-Emperor Hirohito in Desney land when he traveled in USA in 80's on the canvas
And marched with the toy machine gun in music of "Mickey Mouse March"

ARAI put photographis of young Japanese women nude in his mouse again and again
And shouting
Viva! Globalisation
Viva! McDonald
Viva! Pornography
Viva! Coca Cola
Viva! Olympics
Viva! Desney
Viva! ...........

At last ARAI panited the canvas Pink with words of Olympics, McDonald, Coca Cola .....

ARAI Shin-ichi
"Viva! Glabalisation"
at tutoK2 29 February 2008 in Manila, Philippines

From Ayi's Site

DING Ling's essay "Thoughts on March 8, Women's Day"(1942)

When will it no longer be necessary to attach special weight to the word "woman" and raise it specially?

Each year this day comes round. Every year on this day, meetings are held all over the world where women muster their forces. Even though things have not been as lively these last two years in Yan'an as they were in previous years, it appears that at least a few people are busy at work here. And there will certainly be a congress, speeches, circular telegrams and articles.

Women in Yan'an are happier than women elsewhere in China. So much so that many people ask enviously: "How come the women comrades get So rosy and Eat on millet? It doesn't seem to surprise anyone that women make up a big proportion of the staff in the hospitals, sanatoria, and clinics, but they are inevitably the subject of conversation, as a fascinating problem, on every conceivable occasion.

Moreover, all kinds of women comrades are often the target of deserved criticism. In my view these reproaches are serious and justifiable.

People are always interested when women comrades get married, but that is not enough for them. It is virtually impossible for women comrades to get onto friendly terms with a man comrade, and even less likely for them to become friendly with more than one. Cartoonists ridicule them: "A departmental head getting married too?" The poets say, "All the leaders in Yan'an are horsemen, and none of them are artists. In Yan'an it's impossible for an artist to find a pretty sweetheart." But in other situations, they are lectured: "Damn it, you look down on us old cadres and say we're country bumpkins. But if it weren't for us country bumpkins, you wouldn't be coming to Yan'an to eat millet!" But women invariably want to get married. (It's even more of a sin not to be married,and single women are even more of a target for rumors and slanderous gossip.) So they can't afford to be choosy, anyone will do: whether he rides horses or wears straw sandals, whether he's an artist or a supervisor. They inevitably have children. The fate of such children is various. Some are wrapped in soft baby wool and patterned felt and looked after by governesses. Others are wrapped in soiled cloth and left crying in their parents' beds, while their parents consume much of the child allowance. But for this allowance (twenty-five yuan a month, or just over three pounds of pork), many of them would probably never set a taste of meat. Whoever they marry, the fact is that those women who are compelled to bear children will probably be publicly derided as "Noras who have returned home."Those women comrades in a position to employ governesses can go out once a week to a prim get-together and dance. Behind their backs there will also be the most incredible gossip and whispering campaigns, but as soon as they go somewhere, they cause a great stir and all eyes are glued to them. This has nothing to do with our theories, our doctrines, and the speeches we make at meetings. We all know this to be a fact, a tact that is right before our eyes, but it is never mentioned.

It is the same with divorce. In general there are three conditions to pay attention to when getting married:
(1) Political purity; (2) both parties should be more or less the same age and comparable in looks; (3) mutual help. Even though everyone is said to fulfill these conditions--as for point I, there are no open traitors in Yan'an; as for point 3, you can call anything "mutual help," including darning socks, patching shoes, and even feminine comfort--everyone nevertheless makes a great show of giving thoughtful attention to them. And yet the pretext for divorce is invariably the wife's political backwardness. I am the first to admit that it is a shame when a man's wife is not progressive and retards his progress. But let us consider to what degree they are backward. Before marrying, they were inspired by the desire to soar in the heavenly heights and lead a life of bitter struggle. They got married partly because of physiological necessity and partly as a response to sweet talk about "mutual help." Thereupon they are forced to toil away and become "Noras returned home." Afraid of being thought "backward," those who are a bit more daring rush around begging nurseries to take their children.
They ask for abortions and risk punishment and even death by secretly swallowing potions to produce abortions. But the answer comes back: "Isn't giving birth to children also work? You're just after an easy life; you want to be in the limelight. After all, what indispensable political work have you performed? Since you are so frightened of having children and are not willing to take responsibility once you have had them, why did you get married in the first place? No one forced you to." Under these conditions, it is impossible for women to escape this destiny of "backwardness." When women capable of working sacrifice their careers for the joys of motherhood, people always sing their praises. But after ten years or so, they have no way of escaping the tragedy of "backwardness." Even from my point of view, as a woman, there is nothing attractive about such "backward" elements. Their skin is beginning to wrinkle,their hair is growing thin, and fatigue is robbing them of their last traces of attractiveness. It should be self-evident that they are in a tragic situation. But whereas in the old society they would probably have been pitied and considered unfortunate, nowadays their tragedy is seen as something self-indicted, as their just deserts. Is it not so that there is a discussion going on in legal circles as to whether divorces should be granted simply on the petition of one party or on the basis of mutual agreement? In the great majority of cases, it is the husband who petitions for divorce. For the wife to do so, she must be leading an immoral life, and then of course she deserves to be cursed.

I myself am a woman, and I therefore understand the failings of women better than others.. But I also have a deeper understanding of what they suffer. Women are incapable of transcending the age they live in, of being perfect, or of being hard as steel. they are incapable of resisting all the temptations of society or all the silent oppression they suffer here in Yan'an. They each have their own past written in blood and tears; they have experienced great emotions-in elation as in depression, whether engaged in the lone battle of life or drawn into the humdrum stream of life. This is even truer of the women comrades who come to Yan'an, and I therefore have much sympathy for those fallen and classified as criminals. What is more, I hope that men, especially those in top positions, as well as women themselves, will consider the mistakes women commit in their social context. It would be better it there were less empty theorizing and more talk about real problems, so that theory and practice would not be divorced, and better if all Communist Party members were more responsible for their own moral conduct. But we must also hope for a little more from our women comrades, especially those in Yan'an. We must urge ourselves on and develop our comradely feeling.

People without ability have never been in a position to seize everything. Therefore, if women want equality, they must first strengthen themselves. There is no need to stress this point, since we all understand it. Today there are certain to be people who make fine speeches bragging about the need to acquire political power first. I would simply mention a few things that any frontliner, whether a proletarian, a fighter in the war of resistance, or a woman, should pay attention to in his or her everyday life:

"I Myself Am a Woman"
Selected writtings of DING Ling
Edited by Tani E.Barlow with Gary J.Bjorge.

丁玲 "三八節有感”中文 DING Ling's essay "Thoughts on March 8, Women's Day" in Chinese

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