Art of Encountering Issue II
in Essen, Germany

18th July 2007

ARAI Shin-ichi (Japan)

"Happy Japan!"

ARAI said
Almost 6 years ago Japanese diet decided what are Japanese flag and Japanese anthem in the law. Before there was no law for Japanese flag and the national anthem. Now in some school ceremonies like graduation, People should show Japanese flag and sing the national anthem. And sometimes teachers and students who do not like to respect the flag and sing the national anthem in the ceremony are punished by the director because of the law now.
Before there was some agreement among people with
Japanese flag was symbol of militarism and the anthem celebrate the Emperor
in spite of them not agreeing.

This is the uniform of Japan Overseas Cooperate Volunteers something like the American Peace Corp.
As a Volunteer I lived Zanzibar, Tanzania from '92 to '94 and I taught wood block printing to Zanzibar young artists at the art school of Nyumba ya Sanaa, Zanzibar.
Before I went to Tanzania , All members of Japan Overseas Cooperate Volunteers had to meet the Emperor who is the hornoly president of the organization.
In Tanzania we got 200USD per month for meals, books and petrols for motor bike. Those days Tanzanian people got 30USD from their jobs as usual.
In Tanzania I had a lot of girl friend who loved my money.

The title of this comicbook is "What is a patriotic war?"
The comicbook's author says that Japan must have more military power. We Japanese must have a patriot spirit. There was no Nanking genoside by the Japanese Emperor army. There were no Korean or E.A. women sex slaves in the Japanese Emperor army. They were only commercial prostitutes.
More than a milion people bought this book and almost all of them are under 30.

ARAI show the Japanese passport over his ass hole.
It has the emblem of chrysanthemum which is almost same as the emblem of the Emperor family.
Later ARAI show his ass hole like a chrysanthemum

ARAI sung Japanese National anthem
"Kim ga Yo" means "Long live our Emperor"
with having a shit down red paint.
ARAI was dancing in cercle.

He then tore out each page of the comic book, giving some of the pages to the audience and keeping some to put in his mouth to chew on.
Then ARAI shouted "Happy Japan!"
again and again until he can not do it.

ARAI Shin-ichi (Japan)

"Happy Japan!"

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