Art of Encountering Issue II
in Cologne, Germany

14th July 2007

Rolf Hinterecker (Austria)







Rolf Hinterecker (Austria)

The space of the performance is the first place if you arrive in Cologne by train and leave the central railway station to go in the city. There is a wide staircase going up to the gothic Cologne cathedral.

A trolly was moving on this place but it was not possible to recognize how this is done. my be by a remote control.. or ?

The Object reminded on a moving laboratory as well as one of this vehicles which homeless people carry around as their temporary habitat.

The object moved forward turned to the left and back and there seemed to be no real concept. Pedestrians carrying their luggage ran nearly into it. Some watched became confused because sometimes water was leaking out.. or a green apple left…..may be it was laying there before?

In general the vehicle moved to the huge staircases going up to the Cologne Cathedral. Then a little toy hare –fixed on wheels of a racing car - run out of the vehicle. Crossing the place….between the legs of the people. Stopped standing still.. running backward.. stoped .. forward again . Children started to hunt it…

The vehicle itself run against the staircases.. tried to climb up… moved back and crashed again into the staircases.. hardly climbing two or three steps and than the Performer fell out and tried to push the object up.

Accidentally a bicycle driver passed by.. recognised the situation and asked if he might help.. after few seconds the work was done and the vehicle was standing on the platform of the cathedral.

Then the performer took the remote control and moved the hare again from this perfect overview.. some children out of the crowd watched the toy, did not know how it was moved. tried to catch it. Then the Performer went down the steps and gave them the remote control. Shy but lucky they realized that the hare is now their toy.

The accidentally audience sitting all along the staircase applauded ….

*Photos; ©Pietro Pellini

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