The Comunication Campaign of China Live ART
4th June 2007

Wang Ru + ARAI Shin-ichi
"Viva! Globalisation for Ding Ling"

Wang Ru read Ding Ling's essay "Thoughts on March 8", Women's Day, published in 1942
[When Ding Ling joined the Communists at Yanan, she landed in very hot water by writing essays criticizing Communist life, especially the exploitation of women.
In her essay, "Thoughts on March 8", Women's Day, published in 1942, she exposed the gender inequalities at Mao's guerrilla headquarters.
The leaders, she charged, "should talk less of meaningless theories and talk more of actual problems".
This struck a raw nerve.
The Party's leading figures, notably Mao, were much married, abandoning their wives easily and taking up with younger more glamorous women who had not endured the ordeals of underground life and the Long March.
Badly frightened, however, by a purge of writers who dared to look behind the propaganda curtain,
Ding Ling soon condemned Wang Shiwei, most outspoken of the Party's critics, declaring that he had sunk to the depths of a "latrine".
This saved her from the execution inflicted on Wei.
In 1952 she won the Stalin prize for her obediently loyal novel The Sun Shines on the Sanggan River.
Like most of her writing it has a certain political interest, but does not stand alone as literature.] by Jonathan Mirsky

also see

The music
"The United People Will Never Be Defeeated"
"Go A Head by Hans Eisler/Bertolt Brecht"
"Song Of the United Front by Hans Eisler/Bertolt Brecht"
"P'uripha by Korean united people"
"On Suicide by Hans Eisler/Bertolt Brecht"
was playd by A-Musik, Japanese dissident music group

ARAI wrote the name of Ding Ling in Chinese characters on the canvas by his head.

ARAI Put Mao Tsetung portrait by Andy Wahol on the canvas
And marched with "Mickey Mouse March"

ARAI put tomato ketchap on a photograph of young Japanese women nude
And put it in his mouse again and again.

Viva! Globalisation
Viva! Six Four
Viva! Pornography
Viva! Communist party
Viva! Liberal Democratic Party
Viva! Olympics
Viva! Desney
Viva! ..........

ARAI panited the canvas Pink

Wang Ru + ARAI Shin-ichi
"Viva! Globalisation for Ding Ling"

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