The 4th Open Art Festival
in Changchun, China Sep.2003

4 Sep. 2003
8. ARAI Shin-ichi (Japan)
"Happy Japan!"

ARAI said;
This is the uniform of Japan Overseas Cooperate Volunteers something like the American Peace Corp.
As a Volunteer I lived Zanzibar, Tanzania from '92 to '94 and I taught wood block printing to Zanzibar young artists at the art school of Nyumba ya Sanaa, Zanzibar.
Before I went to Tanzania ,All members of Japan Overseas Cooperate Volunteers had to meet the Emperor who is the president of the organization.
In Tanzania I had a lot of girl friend who loved my money.

The title of this comicbook is "What is a patriotic war?"
The comicbook's author says that Japan must have more military power. We Japanese must have a patriot spirit. There was no Nanking genoside by the Japanese Emperor army. There were no Korean or E.A. women sex slaves in the Japanese Emperor army. They were only commercial prostitutes.
More than half a milion people bought this book and almost all of them are under 30.

8. ARAI Shin-ichi (Japan)
"Happy Japan!"
Northeast Normal University

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