1st UP-ON
International Live Art Festival in Chengdu,
China 10-14 Oct. 2008

14 Oct. 2008

ARAI Shin-ichi(Japan)
"Viva! Invasion and Puppets"

ARAI put the Mao Tzetong portrait by Andy Wahol and the portrait of Hirohito(ex emperor) with Micky Mouse in USA on the wall.

ARAI wrote down 1932 3.1 by his head with red paint on the wall.
On 1st March 1932, a manifesto was promulgated announcing that Manchukuo was founded in response to the unanimous aspirations of the 30,000,000 people living in Manchuria and Mongolia and on March 7th Mr. Pu Yi who once ruled over the entire territory of China as the 12th Emperor of the Ching Dynasty, consented to become the Chief Executive of Manchukuo.

ARAI put portrait of "Pu Yi" on the board with big nails.
Pu Yi was the first and last Emperor of Manchukuo made by Japan on 1st March 1932.

ARAI wrote down 1959 5.7 by his head with red paint on the wall.

ARAI Show the statement of Mao Tzetong on 7th May 1959,
And Chinese artist read it loudry that Now it seemed that appeasing of the uprising was warmly welcomed by the majority of people in Tibet. The traitorsCwho were extremely away from the people, robbed the property of them everywhere for a living. Thus the majority supported the Peoplefs Liberation Army to appease the uprising.
Suokang and Pala started the uprising. They made a mistake on estimating both the position and our policy to Tibet. Our policy, as you know, was not to innovate in the coming six years. And whether it needs to innovate after six years was according to the situation at that time. After we made this decision, we withdrew 30,000 troops in order to combine them together and make progress. However, they made use of the situation and organized the uprising started by the traitors from Xikang in Shannan.
The first purpose of them starting the uprising was to drive the Army away and intimidate us. They knew nothing about our policy and the power of the PLA. It took two days and two nights for only ten companies to appease the uprising in Lhasa, while four corps in Shannan. Now the PLA has added two and a half divisions, one in Shannan and another one in Changdu, the left half to protect the traffic system of Qingzang Line.

Also ARAI was born on 7th May 1959.

ARAI Showed the portrait of "Panchen Lama XI" made by Chinese government.
and ARAI also put it on the board with big nails.

ARAI ran and crashed on the wall.

ARAI prayed 7 times in Tibetan buddhist style.

At last crashed on the wall again.

ARAI Shin-ichi(Japan)
"Viva! Invasion and Puppets"

