5th Open Performance Art Festival in Beijing,

China Sep. 2004

3 Sep. 2004
ARAI Shin-ichi (Japan)
"Tourist #9 Thank you, Beuys"

ARAI said
In Beijing, When I visited Lin Bing apartment, I saw the book about "Joseph Beuys" in Chinese there.
I remembered my art student days. In early 80's Beuys came to Japan and made some public lecture.
I went there, got his autograph and was very happy!
We had talked almost every day how did we do performances towards social and political condition like Beuys.

and ARAI asked audience to daub butter on his body

after ARAI daub honey on him by himself

then ARAI asked audience to paste the pages of "Joseph Beuys" book in Chinese on his body.

ARAI stuffed the page into his mouth and shouted
"Thank you, Beuys"
stuffed it, again "Arigatou, Beuys (in Japanese)"
stuffed it, again "Xiexie, Beuys (in Chinese)"

ARAI Shin-ichi (Japan)
"Tourist #9 Thank you, Beuys"

--> ARAIart.jp
